What We Do

Accelerate Social Enterprises

We support women founders and SMEs through leadership training, coaching and mentorship and direct acceleration programs to increase their capacity and build successful companies.

Invest in Social Enterprises

We invest in companies directly, develop and manage impact funds, and work with entrepreneurs to research, design, and implement innovative business models.

Impact Strategy & Measurement

We supply innovative technology solutions for investors and entrepreneurs to measure and report on their impact frameworks. We support impact measurement and verification programs.

Support the African Impact Ecosystem

We perform research to support the impact ecosystem and participate in various impact investing networks and collaborations in Africa.

Accelerating Social Founders & Enterprises

Women Founder Support
  • We provide funds to women to attend incubator programs or leadership trainings
SME Direct Acceleration
  • We provide SMEs with tailored support to help them build capacity by providing them with consulting hours with trusted partners
EIV Impact Hubs
  • We provide physical space in Kano and Abuja for founders to have access to internet, power, and networking
Building Tomorrow’s Women Leaders
  • We provide operational grant support to feminist organizations and NGOs working to build women leaders

Invest in Social Enterprises

Direct Investments

  • We directly invest $10,000 – $250,000 in SMEs

Fund Development & Management

  • We develop and manage recoverable grants funds with similarly aligned partners on specific impact categories and not only ensure impact is achieved but also strive to make financial returns for investors.

Business Ideation and Creation

  • We work with business leaders to research and develop innovative business models, find entrepreneurs who are already in the industry and have the capacity to lead, and support them through investment and mentoring to implement the novel business model

Impact Strategy Management

Impact Reporting Technology
We developed and manage an electronic impact measurement tool – Aya
  • Transparent, near real-time impact investment metric reporting
  • Pre-populated with GIINs IRIS+ metrics and helpful information
  • Ability for Impact Investors to manage their portfolio companies impact in one location
  • Ability for companies to directly report on their impact measurements
  • Aggregate impact investment information shared across the platform
Impact Assessments
  • We work with other investors in Nigeria to design impact frameworks, metrics, and reporting structures
  • We work with independent impact verifiers to support their assessments of companies in Nigeria

Support the African Impact Ecosystem

Participation in Impact Groups and Networks
  • We participate in the impact investing ecosystem in Nigeria
  • We are a supporter of the Impact Investors Foundation, Nigeria
  • We support the impact ecosystem, which ranges from understanding the impact economy in specific countries, sector specific knowledge to entice new social enterprise activity and the rationale and motivation for measuring impact.
Impact Hub Support
  • We partner with impact and business hubs in Nigeria that incubate and support SMEs in Nigeria